
Archive for January 2012

PS2 Killzone to Make an Entrance on PSN

12 January, 2012 by

2004 Classic shooter Killzone, developed by Guerilla Games, is to receive a release on PSN, exclusively for PS3. It has already been dismissed as a full HD remake, unlike the Silent Hill series but instead offered as part of the PS2 library. Read On

Wii U Details to be spread among 2012 till E3

12 January, 2012 by

Nintendo could reveal Wii U details before the expected show-all at E3 2012 in June, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime has hinted. ”We will be sharing information throughout the year,” Fils-Aime claimed at CES 2012 this week. Read On

Geocaching to coincide with Tomb Raider Release

12 January, 2012 by are said to be working with the release of the new Tomb Raider title to create explorations and discoveries for geocachers and fans alike. Crystal Dynamics will be working with Groundspeak – the Seattle-based company set to inspire outdoor play through location-based technology – as part of the campaign leading up to the release of Tomb Raider. Read On

Retailer GAME accidentally lets slip future release at EA meeting

12 January, 2012 by

Retailer GAME has let slip the contents of a confidential EA meeting on Twitter. Mentions of a new Medal of Honor game and Need for Speed 13. And both for release this year. Read On

Mass Suicide Threat at Foxconn Xbox 360 Manufacturing Plant

11 January, 2012 by

Over 300 Xbox 360 manufacturing workers at Foxconn threatened to commit mass suicide from the roof of their workplace before being talked down by the mayor of local Chinese town Wuhan. The incident followed the electronic company Foxconn’s refusal to grant workers a pay-rise early in the new year, before claiming employees would receive compensation if they left their jobs. Many quit, but no compensation was forthcoming. The rooftop drama then ensued. Read On

StreetPass details revealed for Resident Evil: Revelations

11 January, 2012 by

Resident Evil: Revelations on the 3DS is the first game due on Nintendo’s Circle Pad Pro but Capcom have also announced it will also have StreetPass functionality. Read On

Modern Warfare 3 to get 20 DLC over next 9 months

11 January, 2012 by

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been confirmed to receive at least 20 new supportive batches of downloadable content between now and September. Referred to as the Modern Warfare 3 Content Season for Call of Duty Elite, the first releases will be available next week with two new mutliplayer maps. Liberation and Piazza will be released on Xbox Live on January 24th, with PS3 at a later date. Read On

Kid Icarus to have Circle Pad Pro Support

11 January, 2012 by

Kid Icarus: Uprising, the next in the series, will return on the 3DS and come accompanied with the new Circle Pad Pro. The game’s director Masahiro Sakurai has said the add-on will allow left-handed gamers to control the action shooter in a way that will be a heck of a lot more comfortable. Read On

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Demo downloadable in Europe!

11 January, 2012 by

Square Enix have announced that the demo for Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be available to download from today from the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace. Users may already be able to download it, however Square have announced on their blog that it can take a couple of hours to show on the respective network or marketplace. They have also given us a nice trailer for the demo. Read On

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Demo

10 January, 2012 by

Square Enix have today announced that a demo for their latest game – Final Fantasy XIII-2 will release on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace today. For the moment this is only for North American consoles (or for people who have North American store access). This is ahead of the North American release at the end of the month. Read On