

Contacting the VGamingNews team couldn't be easier, we are available across, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Failing that you can always send a carrier pigeon if you know where to find us!

We've removed our contact forms due to the influx of spam that these forms create, but here are our full details to track us down:


Fancy contributing to the site or just talking to us about games? You can email Joe directly! Just drop him an email and he'll be happy to talk shop. Keep in mind the site is run as a hobby so, while he endeavours to reply, it's not always possible as he has a paying job that demands most of his time.

For general/press queries about mutual opportunities you can email pr [at] vgamingnews [dot] com and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

We have a pretty good spam filter, so offers of cavity wall insulation and 'getting us on the first page of Google' will, unfortunately, be filtered into the bin.


We're on Twitter! This is probably the quickest way to contact us as it's so easy to give us a follow and slide into our DMs (NOT IN THAT WAY... unless you want to...). Follow us @VGNewsUK


We're on Facebook too! Our Facebook page is found here, thanks to the algorithms our reach is limited and we only tend to post our news and reviews but we're happy to have a conversation in the comments if you care to join us.


Instagram is where you'll mainly find Joe posting about random games, mods he's up to and various behind the scenes stuff. Here's the link for you.


We're also around on YouTube, why you'd want to contact us via YouTube is a mystery, but you can find us here.