T.E.C. 3001 update
All of the changes are as follows:
- 12 bonus level added
- Awards system
- 2 new soundtracks
- Informing voice through the game
- Fixed collision bugs
- Fixed memory leaks and glitches
- Fixed animation bugs on slide+jump, slide+roll and charge over launching pads
- Fixed bug with camera roll left
- No more exit game on back button
- Statistics are saved only if they are better than previous
- On level fail you can choose to return to last check point or to reset level
- Level starting screen has now name of the level
- Player can now lock certain color theme in menu
- Added self destruct button (X on gamepad)
- Player can continue on A button rather then Start
- Added buy game button in menu while the game is in trial mode
- Spelling errors fixed
For more information on T.E.C. 3001, please see their official website here.