Developed by 18Light Game Ltd., the Taiwanese studio behind aquatic Metroidvania, Pronty, NanoApostle promises another intense experience when is launches on PC (via Steam) and Nintendo Switch on 12th September 2024. (more…)
Started in 2017 as a passion project by Overwatch and Diablo 3 artist, Helder Pinto, Ghibli-inspired action-adventure, Europa finally had its' release date confirmed during the Nintendo Indie World showcase. (more…)
To the joy of gun-toting invertebrate fans everywhere, Digital Eclipse and Team17 Digital announce Worms Armageddon: Anniversary Edition! 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the original release of Worms Armageddon, and the creators wanted to celebrate their iconic game with... read more
If just you felt an unexpected shiver run down your spine, let me tell you why - Black Salt Games and Team17 have just released a beast into the water, namely DREDGE's latest highly anticipated DLC, The Iron Rig. Also... read more
Gather the whole gang, and don't turn off the lights, because Bartic Studios are launching survival horror, Lurch, on Steam in just 6 days! After struggling to find a horror experience to satisfy their dark desires, the Brisbane based two-person... read more
Did cooking roguelike PlateUp! leave you with a hankering for more? Fear not! Developers, ItsHappening, have been busy in the kitchen, cooking up a 'Fully Loaded' update which promises to make the multiplayer mayhem even more fun. (more…)
I didn't expect a lot for Day 79, and that's exactly what I got. Monty would be trapped in the room until almost midnight, so there wasn't much time for anything other than setting my little buddy free... Monty cut... read more
After a frustrating and fruitless two day search for the hidden door, I was running out of ideas on how to move forwards. I was all about to start retreading old ground (again) when a chance observation led me to... read more
After falling asleep at the wheel and not achieving much yesterday, save crossing a few places off my hit list for the hidden door, Day 77 was much of the same. Monty and I began to scour the kingdom from... read more
While I managed to get back on the horse and stay on it, I didn't manage to check in on Monty until late and it wasn't especially productive... in fact, I may have fallen asleep while we were searching for... read more
Life, death, taxes and Drew buying indie platform games. The only absolutes in the universe. Bought on Boxing Day 2022, I remember buying Jack Axe, the tiny platformer from Keybol Games, because the visuals reminded me of a cross between... read more
Drew has pledged to slowly but slowly churn his way through his sizeable stack of Nintendo Switch games for his 'Beat the Backlog' feature. Check out his main article to see what games he's completed already! Another one of my... read more
Drew has pledged to slowly but slowly churn his way through his sizeable stack of Nintendo Switch games for his 'Beat the Backlog' feature. Check out his main article to see what games he's completed already! Statistics show that I... read more
Drew has pledged to slowly but slowly churn his way through his sizeable stack of Nintendo Switch games for his 'Beat the Backlog' feature. Check out his main article to see what games he's completed already! Alright -real talk now-... read more
Drew has pledged to slowly but slowly churn his way through his sizeable stack of Nintendo Switch games for his 'Beat the Backlog' feature. Check out his main article to see what games he's completed already! Syberia is a game... read more
Mindcop is the debut game from German developer Andre Gareis, and it didn’t take me more than a minute to be drawn in by the characterful visuals and intriguing premise. Never one to turn down the chance to don my... read more
Drew has pledged to slowly but slowly churn his way through his sizeable stack of Nintendo Switch games for his 'Beat the Backlog' feature. Check out his main article to see what games he's completed already! Looking back, I think... read more
Drew has pledged to slowly but slowly churn his way through his sizeable stack of Nintendo Switch games for his 'Beat the Backlog' feature. Check out his main article to see what games he's completed already! If you’ve read any... read more
I am unashamedly a platform guy. From my earliest experience of New Zealand Story in the arcade cab in the corner of The Boarhound pub, to having my head blown off by Super Mario 64, or battling my way through... read more
Europa, the debut title from Novadust Entertainment, is the kind of passion project that I love to see come to fruition. The brainchild of Helder Pinto, art director of such huge titles as Diablo 3 and Overwatch, Europa offers a... read more
Is there anything quite as sweet as getting your gaming setup exactly how you want it? Consoles positioned just so, lighting set exactly right, and all your nerdy accessories placed in the perfect eye-catching spots. There’s plenty of products out... read more
We don’t need to tell you that a lot of video games are being released every week and a lot of games simply go under the radar. Indie games in particular are often developed by small teams, usually without a... read more
With the 9th September 2022 freshly circled on our calendars as the day we'll finally get our grubby tentacles on Splatoon 3, I got to thinking about my love for Nintendo's squid-based shooter, and what I wanted from the upcoming... read more
After two years of being stuck inside and only being able to cover games from afar we were ecstatic to be invited to the debut W.A.S.D. event in London! It was great being able to get some actual face time... read more
“Hello, my name is Drew and I have a problem. I can’t stop buying games that I never play.” And if I’m honest, this isn’t a new problem - it’s been going on for years. It started off pretty innocently... read more
Even as a child, I was a goofy romantic with a penchant for storytelling. I remember I would forever be conjuring up fantastic scenarios, fictional allies and terrible enemies; babbling on to myself excitedly as I dashed around with a... read more
I know what you’re going to say VGamingBargains fans - where in the world was the May Edition?! Well, we’re not going to lie to you all - May was a very busy month for us in the VGaming offices,... read more
With the UK on the verge of opening back up, if you’re anything like me, a lot of your budget will suddenly be assigned to frivolous purchases of elaborate restaurant food and alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Keeping that in mind,... read more
So readers – let’s address the elephant in the room… the huge February Nintendo eShop sale that we didn’t cover… I’m sorry. I built you up with a promise of glittering bargains galore and I didn’t deliver. I only hope... read more
Okay folks, we’ve had another pay day but COVID still has a strange-hold on a lot of jobs and money still isn’t coming easy to a lot of people – cue another edition of VGamingBargains for Nintendo Switch! Unfortunately it’s... read more