Pokemon That Need An Evolution

With Pokemon Day fast approaching, anticipation for the next generation of Pocket Monsters is building. It’s likely fans will get the first look at Pokemon Legends: Z-A, the mainline spinoff and sequel to Legends Arceus. We might even be lucky enough to get the first look at the 10th Generation of games.
While Game Freak will undoubtedly introduce new monsters for players to fall in love with, we took a look at a few monsters we feel could benefit from an evolution step and how we think it could work. We’ve tried to keep within the parameters of Game Freak’s current evolutions, so we won’t be adding a 4th evolution, mentioning Legendary / Mythical / Ultra Beasts or Paradox Pokemon, or evolving any creature past their Mega Evolution phase.
Let’s dive in!
Disclaimer: If the Pokemon Company, Game Freak or Nintendo are reading this and think these are good ideas, all we ask is a name in the Special Thanks section of the credits at the end of your next game.

Pinsir was initially a Gen 1 Bug-type exclusive to Pokemon Blue, and the counterpart to Red’s Scyther. In the subsequent generations, it’s fair to say that Scyther with its 2 evolutions and Mega form, has had a bit of attention over the years. Sure, Pinsir can also Mega Evolve, and has the better shiny version, but we think it’s about time we learn more about the bug’s lineage. Due to the constraints of Mega Evolutions only happening on the top form, this would mean whatever monster created would have to evolve into Pinsir. Based on the real-world stag beetle, we think Pinsir’s pre-evolved state would feature a creature with smaller antennae that scuttles about on all fours before it decides to stand up.
Plusle & Minun

The pair of electric mice are supposed to represent the plus and minus of opposing currents and since their inception into Sinnoh, they’ve not done anything but try to be cute alternatives to Pichu. It’s here we think Game Freak could do something unique by utilising a De-evolution of sorts. Leaving a pair at the daycare and producing an egg should lead to a Neutral monster as the two charges would offset each other. This Ground-type monster could then be exposed to a certain charge to evolve it into Plusle or Minun.

Kangaskhan was first introduced in Kanto and ever since, there have been fan theories as to the baby it carries in its pouch. Is it a Cubone before it inherits its mother’s skull? Is it a Charmander without a flame? These questions persist and we think that The Pokemon Company should put this to bed by letting us catch an adolescent Kangaskhan when it’s old enough to leave the pouch. Through Mega Evolution, we know the child can fight, but as the famous Star Wars quote goes, “I want to see the baby in my Pokemon lineup”.

There aren’t that many Gen-4 monsters who don’t evolve. Somehow Carnivine is one of them. Despite the flying Venus flytrap looking like it could easily be related to Cacnea and Maractus, Carnivine is a one-and-done evolution and that doesn’t sit right with us. We’d like to see Carnivine in its younger stages of life, maybe a Pokemon version of Mario’s Piranha Plant. Something that is rooting into the ground that sits ideally by, waiting to snatch up unwitting Combees to spring free of the dirt.
Throh & Sawk

This is an obvious pick since the Gen-5 monsters bear a lot of resemblances to Kanto’s Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. It would be easy to suggest that the two fighters could have a baby stage much like Tyrogue but that’s not where we think their evolutions lie. We think if Throh and Sawk fought enough double battles together, they could encourage each other to evolve, much like how two gym buddies push for more gains. The two would simultaneously evolve into a pair of formidable kung-fu masters who excel at all fighting styles.

The Johto mischief maker hasn’t seen much love outside of being the one to pop up unexpectedly in Pokemon Go. Smeargle has spent the best part of two decades trying to make a successful career as an artist. So we think that any future evolution would have Smeargle grow a moustache, find a darker beret and have a more cubist approach to its art. Perhaps it would become the Picasso of the Pokemon world while young upstarts like Grafaiai provide the world with more modern art.

Most fossil Pokémon have a pre-evolution state. Look at Aerodactyl’s Red and Blue teammates, Kabutops and Omastar as key examples of this. As Aerodactyl has been given the ability to Mega Evolve, again we’d have to look the other way to find its evolution. This has led us to imagine a cute baby Pterodactyl made of smooth rocks with stubby wings. If we were to go one step further and imagine what it would look like out of the egg, we can firmly picture something akin to Vullaby crossed with Baby from the 1990s TV puppet program Dinosaurs, just without the frying pan.

Klefki is an out-of-pocket choice for sure. The 6th Gen monster is a levitating set of keys, that is somehow a Fairy-type Pokemon. Since it doesn’t make sense to anyone, why not give it an evolution that adds a padlock or turns it into a possessed keyhole? Or perhaps Klefki could evolve into one of those keyfobs that emit an annoying beep when you’re looking for it? With Pokemon Legends Z-A coming up, it is the perfect opportunity to give Klefki a new lease of life as players return to the Kalos region.

In terms of Pokemon timelines, Cramorant is relatively new to the series. It made its debut in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield but has quickly become a fan favourite due to its interesting attacks and vacant, yet sinister looks. We thought it would be fun to imagine an evolution set-up where it would evolve based on what type of stone its unwilling participant is holding. If Pikachu goes into Cramorant’s gullet holding a Thunder Stone, then it would spit out the Pokemon and evolve into a Flying/Electric-type that could cause paralysis when it chomps down on its next victim. Cramorant’s future evolutions as an opportunity for Game Freak to hilariously replace the Eeveelution lineage.

Squawkabilly is the newest monster on our list as it made its debut in Pokemon Scarlett and Pokemon Violet. This musical bird with its quaffed hair would have been better suited as an evolution for Chatot, but Game Freak curiously left it as a one-and-done Pokemon. When all of the different colours of Squawkabilly are gathered together, it reminds us of The Beatles, so our idea for Squawkabilly’s evolution will keep to the music route. Much like John, Paul, George and Ringo, moving from 1960s rock and roll into the 1970s psychedelic era, so to will our bird. The creature would gain Poison-typing, and its huge peacock hairstyle would give way to long, slick-backed hair, circular glasses and mutton chops. The four colours would remain intact, giving the birds a Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band feel to the look.
Honourable mentions

We know there are many different types of Eveeoultions at this point, but we figured that Game Freak should finally give Eevee an evolution of each kind of Pokemon. Rumours from around the internet suggest a flying-type Eevee was planned but conflicts with fanart are making this a tough task for the developers. I’m sure that the team who made viable Pokemon out of a literal rubbish bag, hieroglyphics and an apple, could think of a unique way of presenting a new version of Eevee, or you know, just pay the fans for their art?
Mimikyu is one of the few Pokemon that we don’t know exactly what it looks like. All we know is that it cosplays as Pikachu so people adore it. Pikachu isn’t the only adorable Pokemon so it would be cool if Game Freak would introduce different versions of the Mimic Pokemon, with it showing off different disguises like Bulbasaur or Fuecoco. While this wouldn’t be considered evolution as such, trainers could potentially evolve Mimikyu into the evolution of whatever form it takes. Just imagine if you had a Mimikyu who cosplays as a Squirtle and when it gets to a certain level, its cosplay changes to a Wartortle before becoming a Blastoise.