Exclusive CD and book for preordering Catherine
So today Deep Silver announced that anyone who pre-orders their up and coming game, Catherine, will also receive an exclusive artbook and CD featuring tracks from the game.
About Catherine:
Vincent likes his girlfriend. Katherine’s pretty, smart, and successful. Trouble is, she’s starting to talk about long-term commitment, something Vincent’s spent his entire life avoiding. Since romantic complications are the last thing he wants to deal with, Vincent meets his friends for their regular night of drinks. Little does he know that he’s about to be blindsided by a beautiful, seductive, irresistible freight train named Catherine. Suddenly, he’s hung over in bed next to the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, unsure about the previous night’s events. Was it just making out, he wonders, or did something more serious happen between them? Should he tell Katherine? Will he ever see Catherine again? Vincent’s about to find that a stumble on the staircase of love can turn into a horrific, fatal plummet…
Catherine, which was recently released in the US, is available on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and is due for release on the 10th February 2012.
You can purchase Catherine from GAME, which is the partner site for Catherine.