Ocarina of Time Intro Trailer
With the furore that’s surrounded Nintendo’s recent announcement of the Project CafĂ© and their massive decline in annual profits, a lot of other announcements have been swept under the radar. It’s impossible to tell if this is one of them, or if VGN are just a little late off of the mark. Either way, Nintendo have now put on their Japanese Ocarina of Time 3DS site the intro screen for the up and coming game.
As you can all see, it’s fairly faithful to the original N64 title; with the exception that in the cartridge Link has a flash forward to a later point in the game. This may be available in the 3DS version – it’s impossible to tell at the current time. Either way, this introduction is more than enough to keep gamers happy as it’s staying true to one of the most iconic openings in videogame history.
Nintendo have also showed off a couple of other videos; however, they are only available at Nintendo’s site and not in a nice YouTube format. If you want to check these videos out, click here and then once the page has loaded click on the second button from the left on the bottom left of the flash screen.