PlayStation Network Coming Alive This Week
• Restoration of Online game-play across the PlayStation®3 (PS3) and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) systems
• This includes titles requiring online verification and downloaded games
• Access to Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity for PS3/PSP for existing subscribers
• Access to account management and password reset
• Access to download un-expired Movie Rentals on PS3, PSP and MediaGo
• PlayStation®Home
• Friends List
• Chat Functionality
Sony have also been working closely with other security companies to reenforce the PSN so further attacks do not happen. The downtime has been to set the network up and make sure that it is completely safe for users to return to. As well as updated firewalls and security on the network, Sony have also taken the steps to move the database to another facility from the AT&T one it is currently operating from.
Once the network is back online there will be a PS3 software update forcing every user to change their passwords. Even though unconfirmed – Sony are confident that credit card information was not accessed, however as way of compensation they are willing to refund any charges caused by users ordering a new card.
Sony have also announced further compensation to every single user as means of a “welcome back” package. This will include 30 days free use of the PlayStation Plus features. For the people who already have the PlayStation Plus they are offering an additional 30 days on top of the subscription. Sony are also giving access to their Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity service (in countries where the service is available)and will again receive 30 days free service.
The Welcome Back package will be announced by region on the PlayStation Blog, nearer to the time.
Full details of Sony’s Press release can be found here.
Sorce: Sony PlayStation Blog