
UK Charts – Week 1 – 2012

9 January, 2012 - 10:54 pm by
About 1 mins to read

So, the first week of 2012 has come and it has gone. With it comes a new sales statistic from the UKIE group, who release sales figures weekly to the gaming world. Now, as it’s the January sales it’s expected to see a fair few casual games as well as core-gamer games fairly high in the list. It’s also expected to see at least one Mario game, as, after all, Mario is always in the Top 20 of something.

We will attempt to update this list weekly – but no promises!

This Week Last Week Title Publisher
1 1 Fifa 12 Electronic Arts
2 3 Battlefield 3 Electronic Arts
3 2 Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Activision Blizzard
4 4 Just Dance 3 Ubisoft
5 8 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Bethesda Softworks
6 19 Zumba Fitness 505 Games
7 7 Need For Speed: The Run Electronic Arts
8 6 Saints Row: The Third THQ
9 12 Rage Bethesda Softworks
10 5 Assassin’S Creed: Revelations Ubisoft
11 10 Forza Motorsport 4 Microsoft
12 28 Zumba Fitness 2 505 Games
13 9 Mario Kart 7 Nintendo
14 11 Mario & Sonic London 2012 Olympic Games SEGA
15 14 Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo
16 21 Football Manager 2012 SEGA
17 15 Sonic Generations SEGA
18 16 Kinect Sports: Season Two Microsoft
19 18 Rayman Origins Ubisoft
20 37 Ea Sports Active 2 Electronic Arts

UKIE Games Charts©, compiled by GfK Chart-Track

FIFA is still doing well, even after who know’s how many years and Zumba, well, it’s something that’s not likely to go away any time soon.