
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team

6 June, 2011 - 2:37 pm by
About 1 mins to read

THQ have announced a head of their E3 press conference details of Warhammer 40,000:Kill Team. Warhammer will see players take on the part of the eliete Space Marines as they battle against Ork Kroozer en-route to an Imperial Forge World in a third person perspective shooting game. There will be four Kill Team classes to chose from: Sternguard Veteran and Techmarine, and for a more melee based battling the Vanguard Veterans and Librarians are more of an suitable choice.

Action will take place as either a single or two player/same screen options and will be set across 6 sprawling levels in the Space Marine/Warhammer 40k universe. The game will be released for the PlayStation Network & Xbox Live this summer.