18 April, 2011 - 4:04 pm by Joseph Whitfield About 1 mins to read
Wii Play: Motion is the sequel to the smash hit Wii Play which was released as a launch game back in 2006. The game itself will compromise of 12 minigames making full use of the Wii Motion Plus controller. As with the previous installment this will come bundled with the game. The game will support up to 4 players but they must have either a Wii Remote Plus or the Motion Plus Add-on.
The game is scheduled for 23rd June 2011 in the US so one can only assume that a UK release will be followed closely. What is interesting about this date is it is shortly after E3 and as rumours are circulating about Nintendo’s next home console, this could well be one of the last Nintendo produced games for the Wii.