The Darkness II
The Darkness II follows on from the 2007 game in which mafia supremo Jackie Estacado is thrown into a world of demons on his 21st birthday. The first title was a little on the short side and had a few issues regarding aiming and control of the demons that possessed Jackie. After raising to the heights he did in the first game, 2K games are continuing his story straight after the ending to the first game.
In this hands on we get a look at how the game is progressing and what improvements have been made since the first outing. For those who haven’t played this title let me fill you in. The Darkness was a first person shooting game with a difference. Firstly our hero could wield two guns at the same time and fire them using L1 & R2 shoulder buttons. This was nice but aiming was tricky. Secondly Jackie has been taken over by the Darkness, a creepy sounding demon that projects two tentacles which eats hearts and doesn’t really like lights and is interestingly voiced by Mike Patton from rock band Faith No More.

Cue a flash back where he is arriving for dinner in a posh New York restaurant filled with American – Italian mafia types complete with stereotypical names such as Joey and Paulie. They also care not for manners and appearance as they are as foul mouthed as they are taken straight from a scene in the Sopranos.

Controlling the darkness is much more fun this time around. It is still able to eat hearts but this time multiple deaths an be performed such as “wishbone” where one arm holds up the enemy where the other will pull the other end and split him in half, like as the title suggests a wishbone. Plenty of blood and guts as per the previous instalment, which is always nice!

All in all The Darkness II is taking shape nicely. I got my hands on the original demo back at MCM in London back in October. Then, it still had the old style shooting system so it is with joy from myself knowing that 2K Games have decided to delay the game and revamp the entire mechanics and make it easier and more enjoyable to play. I still can’t help but feel that when wielding two guns the auto-target could work a little faster but there is still time for little adjustments to be made.