
Posts Tagged “Nintendo”

Ocarina of Time Intro Trailer

25 April, 2011 by

With the furore that’s surrounded Nintendo’s recent announcement of the Project Café and their massive decline in annual profits, a lot of other announcements have been swept under the radar. It’s impossible to tell if this is one of them, or if VGN are just a little late off of the mark. Either way, Nintendo have now put on their Japanese Ocarina of Time 3DS site the intro screen for the up and coming game. Read On

Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version News

21 April, 2011 by

Mega Man Legends 3: Protoype Version will launch with the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS Capcom have announced today. The game is the first time Capcom have co-developed with the fans of the series and it gives players a chance to play the action game and experience the gameplay while the game is in the early stages of development.  Read On

Wii Play: Motion News

18 April, 2011 by

Wii Play: Motion is the sequel to the smash hit Wii Play which was released as a launch game back in 2006. The game itself will compromise of 12 minigames making full use of the Wii Motion Plus controller. As with the previous installment this will come bundled with the game. The game will support up to 4 players but they must have either a Wii Remote Plus or the Motion Plus Add-on. Read On

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II Info & Screens

18 April, 2011 by

The sequel to the popular 2D fighting game BlazBlue: Coninuum Shift is coming to the PSP & Nintendo 3DS this May. The 21st to be exact. The game features all the original characters from the previous installment plus 3 all new characters available through downloadable content. Read On

Pacman & Galaga Dimensions New Screenshots

14 April, 2011 by

Namco Bandai today revealed a number of new screenshots for Pacman & Galaga Dimensions, the new up and coming title for the Nintendo 3DS.

PAC-MAN tilt is a brand new PAC-MAN action game making full use of the tilt function on the Nintendo 3DS, and will have a split screen and utilise both the upper and the lower screen. With online functionality due, but yet to be announced.

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Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights 3DS Trailer

14 April, 2011 by

Konami today released their first trailer and some screenshots for their up and coming game: Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights which is coming to the Nintendo 3DS in the summer.

Players will need to excavate abandoned Parisian tunnels, fight off enemies and explore a Paris of the past to find all of the lost treasure. Read On

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D Details

13 April, 2011 by

Capcom today confirmed some more details for their up and coming game on the Nintendo 3DS, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. With stages from Resident Evil 4 and 5, which have been adjusted and remastered to make the best of the 3DS, it’s a race against time to try and defeat as many enemies as possible before the timer runs out.

With multiplayer and co-op play via a network play, gamers will be able to tackle classic missions with various characters from the past and with the addition of the Skill Slot feature it makes for challenging play. Read On

The Hidden Announced for the Nintendo 3DS

7 April, 2011 by

Majesco Entertainment have today announced a new videogame for the Nintendo 3DS is currently in development and is expected to be released in Autumn. The Hidden is a new augmented reality game, where the player’s 3DS is turned into an astral plane as you hunt through real world environments with the camera to search for the unseen and unknown.

As part of the G.E.I.S.T squad, you must work with the team to capture, track, shoot and eliminate evil spirits. However, it’s not as easy as aiming and pressing B, you’ll also need to use the circle pad, the gyroscope control and the camera to make sure that you can destroy and keep a log of these creatures from another world.

That’s an Autumn release planned, Majesco are stating October around Halloween; however, that’s likely to be the US release date and nothing’s been confirmed for the UK as of yet.

Steel Diver 3DS Dated

5 April, 2011 by

Steel Diver will launch on May 6 on the Nintendo 3DS. This strategy action game uses the 3D capabilities and the gyro sensor to guide a submarine around obstacles while dodging advances from enemy ships.

There are different gameplay modes such as Mission where you navigate an underwater obstacle course while making sure you dodge enemy attacks. In Periscope Strike you use the gyroscopes in the 3DS to destroy warships. To do this you spin with the 3DS while looking through the submarine periscope! An office chair would be best for this!

In the Steel Commander mode, the idea is to hide your own ships and destroy enemy ones in a grid map before they get you – a 3DS version of the classic battleships! You can also play a 2-player version of this using the Download Play service – even if Player 2 doesn’t have a game card.

Steel Diver which arrives in the UK, exclusively for Nintendo 3DS, on 6th May 2011.