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Kung Fu Panda 2 Details Announced
THQ have decided to utilise the Xbox’s Kinect and the U-Draw tablet on the Wii.
In the Xbox version you use the Kinect to firstly be taught Kung Fu by Po and learning the moves to defeat enemies after which you then become Po himself to block, punch, kick, dodge & duck your way through the new levels and environments from the film with no controller needed.
With the Wii you would use the U-Draw Tablet to control Po with the stylus to fight and defend Gongmen City. You battle old and new enemies against backgrounds that you can modify yourself. There is a drawing mode, where you can colour various pieces of character art and objects which will in turn populate in the story mode, making the game unique to each player. There are also several awesome mini-games that can be enjoyed playing as the super cute baby Po.
The PlayStaion3 version sees you battling in more of a strategy style, learning Kung Fu moves such as acu-punches and kung fu curls incorporating problem-solving skills to help master your talents under Po’s tutelage. One thing that is unsure at the moment is weather or not this will include Playstation Move features or not.
On the Nintendo DS you will be able to control Po using the stylus to unleash the awesome moves of kung fu against the game’s enemies. The DS also offers a card game called “Five Card Fu” which can be played in a single or two player game. THQ promises this to be addictive. THQ have not announced any development for the 3DS at this time.
On paper this title promises to be an interesting game with loads of new features to try especially on Kinect and the Wii with the U-Draw tablet. Let’s just hope that it doesn’t follow the curse of movie tie-in games.
Exclusive content can be found at and will be added throughout April/May in lead up to it’s release.
Screenshots below taken from PS3 version. Be patient these are large high quality screens.