
Posts Tagged “Raccoon”

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

1 April, 2011 by

Capcom have announced Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, is in development for the PlayStation3, Xbox 360 and also the PC. The game is scheduled for release this Winter. Capcom promises to take the series in a completely new direction in terms of style & gameplay which is yet to be seen from the games.

Operation Raccoon City will be playable as either single player or up to 4 play co-op online. It is a retelling of the events depicted in Resident Evil 2 and 3 and features classic characters such as Leon S Kennedy classic zombies and other nasties from the series.

The game is set in Raccoon City days after the T-Virus tore the city apart and an attempt by Umbrella to cover it up and destroy the city and any survivors is underway. Upon hearing this the US Government sends in a special forces team to uncover any evidence that exposes Umbrella and it’s actions. You play an Umbrella Security Services solider in a battle against the Zombies of Raccoon city and the US special forces.

More news as we get it!